AHS: Delicate – “Rockabye Trauma -Episode 2 Recap, No Cap”

Yo, let’s hop back into the dark and twisty world of American Horror Story: Delicate, because episode 2, “Rockabye,” just dropped a truth bomb bigger than Kylie Jenner’s lip kit empire. Get ready for gaslighting, Anna Victoria Alcott’s pregnancy plot twists, and enough creepy vibes from Siobhan to fill a TikTok compilation of abandoned malls.

Anna Victoria alcott in ahs delicate episode 2

1. Gaslight Gate: Is Anna Buggin’ or Nah?

Last episode, Anna Victoria Alcott (played by Emma Roberts) swore she saw a stalker in her apartment. This episode? The cops show her footage that proves she’s the only one who entered. Is she losing it due to baby brain or is someone messing with her reality like a bad Instagram filter? Dexter, her fiancé, ain’t exactly helping, throwing shade like a broken projector.

2. Bestie Goals on Fleek: Siobhan to the Rescue

Enter Siobhan, played by none other than Kim Kardashian, Anna’s ride-or-die publicist who’s fiercer than Beyoncé at a Coachella afterparty. She sees right through Dexter’s BS and throws shade like it’s confetti at a Kardashian birthday bash. Plus, she gets Anna nominated for a Gotham Award, proving you can slay in stilettos and handle Hollywood drama like a pro. This series is getting exciting!

3. Pregnancy Plot Twist: Bun or Bust?

Remember Anna’s magical pregnancy? Turns out, time is playing tricks on her like a glitchy Snapchat filter. Two weeks pass in a blink, leaving her confused and possibly missing a chunk of reality. Did Dexter tamper with her meds? Is the mansion messing with her mind? After all, the mansion was very creepy with cobwebs and not so good vibes at the very start when they moved in. Or is something more sinister at play?

4. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Creepiest of Them All?

Speaking of creepy, remember that weird stalker? Anna spots her across the street, sending chills down our spines faster than a jump scare in a horror movie. Then, things get even weirder: a mysterious “B12 shot” makes Anna throw up and suddenly, she needs a pregnancy test. Two minutes later, bam! Positive. This baby bump is getting more plot twists than a telenovela.

5. Gotham Glitches: Awards Show From Hell

At the Gotham Awards, things go from zero to 100 real quick. Anna’s rival steals the spotlight, leaving her feeling like a forgotten TikTok post. But that’s not the worst part. A trip to the bathroom reveals a face-peeling nightmare straight out of a David Cronenberg film. Is this pregnancy or something more… demonic?

6. Rockabye, Baby: A Lullaby of Lies?

And then, the biggest WTF moment of the episode: a creepy ultrasound with a fake nurse named Ivy. Turns out, Anna’s not the only one playing pregnancy charades. But who is Ivy? And what are her real intentions?

Basically, episode 2 of AHS: Delicate left us with more questions than a Reddit AMA with Elon Musk. Is Anna losing her mind or is the mansion messing with her? Is Dexter hiding something dark? And what the heck is up with that fake nurse and the vanishing pregnancy? We can’t wait to see what twisted secrets unfold next.

Bonus points:

  • Kim Kardashian as the psychic therapist Siobhan was everything we didn’t know we needed. More scenes with her, please!
  • That soundtrack in the second episode was fire. Spooky lullabies and goth bangers? We’re here for it.
  • Emma Roberts is bringing her A-game as Anna Victoria Alcott. Her breakdowns are Oscar-worthy and her maternity wardrobe is giving us major inspo.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the recap, where we’ll dive deeper into the mysteries of the mansion, unpack Ivy’s shady motives, and maybe even figure out who the heck stole Anna’s pregnancy.

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